Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Patty Cake - A - Patty Cake

OM Goodness my little man is the cutest ever! My mom sings Patty Cake with him all of the time. I sing it in the car with him when we are driving places, I sing "Patty Cake - A - Patty Cake - A bakers man bake me a cake as fast as you can"...JP then starts to sing " Roll it, and Pat it, and mark it with a B" and then I finish it off by singing "and put it in the oven for baby and me." Oh my when I heard him sing it the first time I was so excited. He is so smart. He loves that song and to hear the excitement in his voice when he sings it just makes my heart melt. I am going to try to record him singing it. It’s the cutest thing EVER!!!